BTR header made by Justine from


Hi and welcome to my blog. It's all about my favorite band, Big Time Rush! I will be writing about their songs, tv episodes, and be posting vids, and pics of them. My hope by writing this is to get some more popularity to these incrediably talented, gifted, and hot guys. Enjoy! :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

i need Posters!!!!

Hi guys.

So I was in WalMart a little while ago and I was looking through the magazines. And what do I find? Bunches and bunches of 1D and Justin Beiber on the covers!!! (I have nothing against 1D and Beiber, for the record). And I could not find ONE magazine with a full spread or poster (at least visible) in any of the magazines of BTR. I feel that Rusher's are being under-postered for our guys. I need more posters!! The ones I have are from the first season of BTR. We are now in Season 3! I don't now if it's because they are super busy and can't do photo shoots for the magazines, or they just havent been asked to.

What do you guys think? Do we need more of BTR in magazines, or should we just wait till they are through with the Summer Tour to start asking for more BTR? OR should the magazines cover the Tour? Comment below about what your oppinion is.

Peace! Love! Always!
Kassie Marie


  1. I know how you feel. Are you American or British? If you're American I have heard loads of BTR posters being in Tiger Beat, but I'm British so I'm stuck too.
    Subscribe to my Youtube! I'm LittleBrittania.
    Love Brittanyxxx

  2. I know how you feel. Are you American or British? If you're American I have heard loads of BTR posters being in Tiger Beat, but I'm British so I'm stuck too.
    Subscribe to my Youtube! I'm LittleBrittania.
    Love Brittanyxxx
