BTR header made by Justine from


Hi and welcome to my blog. It's all about my favorite band, Big Time Rush! I will be writing about their songs, tv episodes, and be posting vids, and pics of them. My hope by writing this is to get some more popularity to these incrediably talented, gifted, and hot guys. Enjoy! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Facebook Page. "LIKE"!!!!!

hey guys! i now have 20 followers on FB for this blog!!!! AMAZING! keep the "likes" comming!!!! and PLEASE follow me on twitter @Kannon_Mecia. here is the link to the fb page, and you can also like it here on the blog with the little app near the top of the page.

GO "LIKE"!!!!!!!!!

Peace! Love! Always!
**Kassie Marie**

Monday, July 4, 2011

Wow! Been a while, hasn't it?

Hey everyone! Sorry bout not posting in a while. Been busy and very tired lately. Hope you have been getting your BTR news from since my last post.
If you didn't know, this blog has a fan page on facebook ( ). Please go there and LIKE! i have been updating that. and also i have changed my twitter name, it is now @Kannon_Mecia. ( ). Please follow me on there as well. right now i have 20 followers. hope to have at least 5 more by the end of summer and before my first day of school (Aug. 22nd). i will accept any and ALL follower requests. but i might not follow youback depending on how many follower requests i recive. but if you are early in the follow request, i will follow back! and also subscribe to my youtube page ( )cus i am now starting to do v-blogs or video blogs. sometimes bout BTR, sometimes bout wrestling (my other passion), and sometimes bout other things.
Well, it was nice to catch up! hope to update this more often!

Peace! Love! Always!